Purple  0.1
Standard Language Specification
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CASTNodeComponent of the abstract syntax tree built during parsing
 CFunctionContainer for function information
 CFunctionParameterContainer for function parameter information
 CLLVMStackEntryNodeNode of a linked list containing information about required stack allocation for a piece of data. Used in the symbol table linked list. Also used as a general-purpose linked list of virtual registers with loaded values
 CLLVMValueValue returned by ast_to_llvm
 CLogInfoMaps LogLevels to text and color for displaying
 CNumberContainer for various kinds of number data
 CpositionStructure containing information about a Token's position in the input
 CPurpleArgsStructure containing command line arguments
 CSymbolTableHolds data for symbols within a scope
 CSymbolTableEntryStruct holding data about a symbol
 CSymbolTableStackStack of Symbol Tables used for scoping
 CTokenStructure containing information about individual scannable tokens
 CTypeContainer for type data