Standard Language Specification
▼ docs | |
grammar | |
▼ examples | |
base_test.prp | |
comparison_test.prp | |
condition_test.prp | |
empty_prog.prp | |
function_test.prp | |
loop_test.prp | |
pointer_test.prp | |
pointer_test_2.prp | |
type_test.prp | |
variable_test.prp | |
▼ include | |
▼ translate | |
llvm.h | Function headers for LLVM-IR emission |
symbol_table.h | Function headers and definitions for the global and local symbol tables |
translate.h | Function headers and definitions for translation of an AST into LLVM-IR |
▼ types | |
function.h | Struct definitions and macros for functions |
identifier.h | Definitions for identifiers |
number.h | Definitions and function headers for the internal "Number" type |
type.h | Function headers and defines for |
▼ utils | |
arguments.h | Function headers for command line argument parsing |
clang.h | Function headers for interacting with clang |
formatting.h | Definitions for string formatting |
hash.h | Function headers and definitions for hashing algorithms |
llvm_stack_entry.h | |
logging.h | Function headers, ANSI defines, and enums for raising internal warnings and errors |
misc.h | Miscellaneous utility functions that don't fit anywhere else |
shutdown.h | Function headers for shutting down the compiler |
data.h | Project-wide variables |
info.h | CMake config definitions |
parse.h | Function headers for parsing and operator precedence values |
scan.h | Lexical Scanner function headers |
tree.h | Function headers for abstract syntax tree parsing |
▼ src | |
▼ parse | |
declaration.c | Logic for declaration statements |
expression.c | Logic for parsing expressions into an AST |
statement.c | Logic for parsing statements into an AST |
▼ translate | |
llvm.c | LLVM-IR emission |
symbol_table.c | Logic for global and local symbol tables |
translate.c | Functions for LLVM-IR translation |
▼ types | |
number.c | Functions for dealing with numbers internally |
▼ utils | |
arguments.c | Command line interface logic |
clang.c | Functions for interacting with clang |
hash.c | Logic for hashing functions |
llvm_stack_entry.c | |
logging.c | Warnings and fatal error handling |
shutdown.c | Functions for shutting down the compiler safely |
purple.c | Compiler entrypoint and setup |
scan.c | Functions for lexical scanning from input source files |
tree.c | Logic for constructing an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) |