Purple  0.1
Standard Language Specification
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 llvm.hFunction headers for LLVM-IR emission
 symbol_table.hFunction headers and definitions for the global and local symbol tables
 translate.hFunction headers and definitions for translation of an AST into LLVM-IR
 function.hStruct definitions and macros for functions
 identifier.hDefinitions for identifiers
 number.hDefinitions and function headers for the internal "Number" type
 type.hFunction headers and defines for
 arguments.hFunction headers for command line argument parsing
 clang.hFunction headers for interacting with clang
 formatting.hDefinitions for string formatting
 hash.hFunction headers and definitions for hashing algorithms
 logging.hFunction headers, ANSI defines, and enums for raising internal warnings and errors
 misc.hMiscellaneous utility functions that don't fit anywhere else
 shutdown.hFunction headers for shutting down the compiler
 data.hProject-wide variables
 info.hCMake config definitions
 parse.hFunction headers for parsing and operator precedence values
 scan.hLexical Scanner function headers
 tree.hFunction headers for abstract syntax tree parsing
 declaration.cLogic for declaration statements
 expression.cLogic for parsing expressions into an AST
 statement.cLogic for parsing statements into an AST
 llvm.cLLVM-IR emission
 symbol_table.cLogic for global and local symbol tables
 translate.cFunctions for LLVM-IR translation
 number.cFunctions for dealing with numbers internally
 arguments.cCommand line interface logic
 clang.cFunctions for interacting with clang
 hash.cLogic for hashing functions
 logging.cWarnings and fatal error handling
 shutdown.cFunctions for shutting down the compiler safely
 purple.cCompiler entrypoint and setup
 scan.cFunctions for lexical scanning from input source files
 tree.cLogic for constructing an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)