Fall 2023 - Introduction to Compiler Design
Spring 2023 - Practical Compiler Design
Tech Talks
Quarterly LangSec Review #1 - Dancing, Type Systems, and Quantum Computers
Formal Timing and Correctness of Binary Code
Verifier of Lifted Pascal in Coq
The Good, The Bad, and The Binary: Formal Timing and Correctness of Binary Code
Secrets of the Universe: The Ultimate Formal Verification Talk
BCKW Combinator Calculus
LaTeX Source
- Talk examining Haskell Curry's Ph.D. Thesis
Formal Program Verification
LaTeX Source
- Talk on formal program verification using Coq, given at the Dallas Cyberfest 2023
Dr. BrickMachine, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and
Hate The Apache HTTP Server Project
Secure Quantum Information Transfer
- Talk on basic quantum computing background and fundamental quantum communication
Decompilation Schmecompilation
- Talk on the practice of decompilation and its legal issues
Prison Snake
- Talk on the Object structure of Python and Pyjail solutions -